Connecting Okanogan
Providing reliable, fast open access Broadband networking for Okanogan County
The Public Utility District No. 1 of Okanogan County began a broadband initiative in 1999 with an initial backbone construction. In 2011 the PUD received federal grants to improve broadband communications in rural America. Those funds were used for the Wifi Broadband network and to construct an additional 180 cable miles of fiber.
Today the PUD offers fiber, wireless and other carrier services to citizens of Okanogan County. Many cell phone, cable and phone carriers traverse the PUD infrastructure. There is a fiber presence in the majority of anchor institutions including all hospitals, libraries and schools, as well as many medical clinics, public safety offices and local government offices within the PUD serving territory.
The PUD has a 150 mile fiber optic backbone that runs along the Hwy 97 corridor from Pateros to the Canadian Border, up the Hwy 153 corridor from Pateros to Twisp and over Hwy 20 from Twisp to Okanogan.
There are fiber optic distribution networks in many of the towns within the county including Oroville, Tonasket, Omak, Okanogan, Brewster, Pateros and Twisp. Distribution supports many of the retail businesses, medical clinics, hospitals, libraries and schools in our communities. Services are also extended to residential locations.

The PUD also operates two additional networks. The PUD’s Wireless Broadband network utilizes 12 towers located in the following communities: Oroville, Ellisforde, Tonasket, Omak, Okanogan, Malott, Monse, Brewster and Twisp.
In 2014 the PUD finished construction of a Wifi Broadband network that includes over 170 access points throughout the county.

interested in fiber?
See where we are building out our network today and help us plan where to build tomorrow!
If we do not currently offer High Speed Broadband in your community, filling out an interest form will let us know where to build next. Tell your neighbors! The more interest we receive from your community, the sooner we can assess providing High Speed Broadband to you.
retail service providers
The Okanogan County PUD is proud to partner with several Retail Service Providers (RSPs) who provide end consumer service by both fiber and wireless connections. The PUD does not offer services direct to end user. If you have questions about getting new service, or questions about existing service, please contact one of our RSPs. Please do not contact the PUD directly in regards to pricing.
Many of our RSPs do participate in the FCC’s Affordable Connectivity Program (https://www.getinternet.gov) which could allow you to receive your home internet at a reduced rate or free. Please inquire with the RSP directly.
- (509) 322-6508
- wswayze@communitynet.org
- www.communitynet.org
- Offers wireless, fiber optic services
Highland Internet Services
- (509) 560-7622
- support@highlandinternet.net
- www.highlandinternet.net
- Offers wireless, fiber optic services
- (509) 888-8888
- info@localtel.com
- www.localtel.com
- Offers fiber optic services
- (509) 996-2022
- mw1@methownet.com
- www.methownet.com
- Offers wireless, fiber optic services
NCI Datacom
- (509) 826-0300
- support@ncidata.com
- www.ncidata.com
- Offers wireless, fiber optic services
Wholesail Networks
- (800) 800-5347
- sales@wholesailnetworks.com
- www.wholesailnetworks.com
- Offers fiber optic services
PC Telecom
- (509) 826-2600
- admin@pcnuthut.com
- www.omakinternet.com
- Offers wireless, fiber optic services
StarTouch Microwave Communications
- (888) 733-0203
- sales@startouch.com
- www.startouch.com
- Offers fiber optic services
Will Connect
- (509) 429-4063
- support@willconnect.net
- www.willconnect.net
- Offers wireless, fiber optic services
Most frequent questions and answers
Whether you are interested in fiber or wireless services please contact a Retail Service Provider. RSPs are aware of the majority of our infrastructure and if in doubt they will contact us to verify.
Choose and establish a relationship with a Retail Service Provider and they will take care of setting up the connection through the PUD infrastructure.
The PUD’s rates are published in a publicly available rate resolution. All RSPs are charged the same rates. The PUD does not set any business rates for the providers; it is up to each individual company to set their own rates they charge customers. Please inquire with the individual RSPs for their current pricing.
Currently the PUD only has infrastructure within the Okanogan PUD electrical boundaries. We are collecting address data in order to determine where the greatest demand is to facilitate a fiber build. Please search for your address and complete the form so we can evaluate your interest.
If you have already established a relationship with a Retail Service Provider, they will submit an order to the PUD. Read more about the steps involved in the Fiber Build Process here.
The PUD is willing to accommodate builds to multiple dwellings in the same area and split the build costs, but at this time the RSP will still be assessed the full build amount.
Our PUD engineers evaluate the path the fiber has to take to go from a fiber access point (a splice or slack loop) to your residence. We typically follow the electric grid footprint, so if the fiber runs in front of your house, but you receive power from the alley behind your house it may be a larger build then anticipated.
The PUD charges RSPs the same price to build out, but providers may set their own installation fees.
The PUD will keep Retail Service Providers updated during any type of outage situation. Please notify your RSP if you feel you are experiencing a network issue or for updates on ongoing outages.